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What to expect from your birth doula

Jul 19, 2024

2 min read




Are your looking for birth doula services, but you are not sure what you will get out of it? Well, I am here to tell you what to expect from a birth doula!

  1. Meet & Greet - Meet and greet will help you determine if you are a right fit, you will also go over expected due dates, birthing location, and any important that needs to be relayed between the doula and client

  2. Check-ups - Depending on your agreement, you may do check-ups before your due date. This can include breathing techniques, massage therapy, and lifestyle counselling. Birth doulas with naturopathic training can provide other services such as acupuncture, homeopathics, cupping and massage, recommend supplements, botanicals, and even physical exams and lab testing to ensure the health of you and your baby is maintained.

  3. Education - Most birth doulas explain what you should expect during pregnancy, labor & delivery, and sometimes postpartum.

  4. Birth Services - Depending on your agreement, your birth doula may be available from week 38 and beyond to be available for your labor and delivery. On-text support may also be given depending on your Birth Doula.

  5. Postpartum Services - Some doulas offer postpartum check-ups for mother and baby, to see if there is any additional support needed for the new family.

About Racheal Onah

Racheal works at the Natural Care Clinic with Dr. Carissa Doherty, ND. She focuses on supporting the health of babies and mothers though the principles of naturopathic medicine.

If you are looking for doula services or would like prenatal information please contact Baby Mamas Doula, or to join the Baby Mamas Community, click the link: Join 

For specific treatment: Please contact the Natural Care Clinic at: or Call 905-631-0880

To listen to Baby Mamas Doula podcast on the role of a birth doula Listen here


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