Methylation is a chemical modification of DNA and other molecules inside the cell, that can help alter gene expression. Methyl groups are attach to a particular location within DNA which help turn a gene on or off, and therefore help regulate the production of proteins and the gene encodes.
Some women have a gene mutation with the MTHFR gene that helps support methylation. This MTHFR gene mutation that stops the ability of methylation to function properly. Some women do not metabolize vitamin B12 and folate, that will also disrupt the methylation cycle.
Studies have found that poor methylators in pregnant women, or women looking to become pregnant have the following complications:
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Low folate levels
Male factor infertility
Some women do not have the MTHFR gene mutation, but do not metabolize or store folate and/or vitamin B12 well. Defects in methylation disrupt over 200 biochemical pathways in the body including neurotransmitters
Poor methylation is associated with:
Postpartum depression and anxiety
Fatigue and low energy
Birth defects
Neural tube defects
Preterm labor
Low birth weight
The treatment plan for methylation is to first test to see if you have the MTHFR gene mutation. Lab work can also be used to see if you have issues in the methylation wheel. If you have bacteria or yeast overgrowth, that can also disrupt methylation. After assessment, individualized treatment plans can be used to support your methylation cycle
About Racheal Onah

Racheal works at the Natural Care Clinic with Dr. Carissa Doherty, ND. She focuses on supporting the health of babies and mothers though the principles of naturopathic medicine.
For methylation treatment please contact the Natural Care Clinic at: info@naturalcareclinic.ca or Call 905-631-0880
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